Welcome to The Seven Seas Group

Welcome to The Seven Seas Group

It has been a tradition among sailors that any Old Salt who had sailed the Seven Seas proved he had been on the old Clipper Ship Tea Route from China to England, which was the longest trade route under sail and which took the Clippers through the Banda Sea, the Celebes Sea, the Flores Sea, the Java Sea, the South China Sea, the Sulu Sea, and the Timor Sea. Thus to traditional sailors, these are the Seven Seas.

Welcome to The Seven Seas Group! We are a dedicated team with over 25 years of experience in the cruise ship industry. Our main focus is sourcing from around the world motivated, dedicated and flexible candidates, who like the adventure, are ready to embark onto new horizons and ambitious for a career change and professional growth.

The Seven Seas Group and its its subsidiary companies Seven Seas Recruitment Services and SSG Evropa carefully screens all candidates and once selected, they are provided with the best introduction and familiarization to the cruise industry than any other recruiting service company. Furthermore, once one of our selected candidates has been accepted to join one of our partner companies, we will provide them with an efficient, fast and flawless recruitment process.

We at The Seven Seas Group look forward to becoming your professional career solution of the future.